The Journey Advances with Customized Sessions and Hands-on Techniques
This 36-Hour Gentle Somatic Yoga® (GSY) course completes the GSY 100-Hour Study Program.* It is similar in format to the GSY Level 1 and Level 2 online courses, however it includes never seen before proprietary material.
In this course, James shares his "tried and true" most effective hands-on techniques he's learned over the last 30 years being in private practice. These customized Assisted Pandiculation techniques are highly effective and efficient to help clients/students/patients to unwind from Sensory Motor Amnesia. As well, James will deconstruct most of the 54 traditional Somatic Movement Flows® and adapt them for use in a chair as a prop.*
*Prerequisite: Completion of GSY Practitioner Levels 1 and Level 2 from either the in-person, livestream, or online courses.
Upon successful completion of this 100-hour Program you will become a leader in the field of somatic movement and somatic education. You will be ready to integrate Gentle Somatic Yoga in order to enhance student/client outcomes and to expand your specialty niche as a facilitator. And if you choose the optional Add-on Certification option and become a Certified Teacher, you will be endorsed by us (GSY) and have your own page in our website Teacher Directory. You will also be qualified to apply for the GSY Affiliate Program.